Ned's Unlikely Success Story

Let me introduce Ned:

Awesome results, awesome client! So very happy that the wonderful Ned smashed her goals in such a way that she's now really confident going forward and she can sustain everything she's learned.

Don't take it from me though, this is what she said:

"I think the accountability and personal contact every week was what made the difference for me. And through setting goals, I made a commitment to myself that I was going to do it, and I did".

That's a little bit of advice from this amazing woman - a busy professional with a young daughter.

Ned had been struggling to lose half a stone even though she was a regular exerciser and very active.  She’d tried everything before she came to me and nothing really stuck or helped her to get the more toned look she was hoping to achieve and lose that pesky last half stone.

We worked together and focused on making easy changes she could fit into her busy lifestyle – making swaps and better choices, building good habits  – so that she could still enjoy nights out without feeling deprived and making steady maintainable weight loss.


Ned Says...

“Working with Lisa has been inspirational and I’ve learned so much stuff.  I’ve gained some real insights and picked up some great tools that will help me manage diet and fitness going forward to make it work for me in the long term.”

“The plan is tailored to me and that’s what’s important for it to work.  Diets like Weight Watchers or Slimming World don’t look at people’s personality or the way they live, and let’s face it, who wants to go to a weigh in at a cold village hall at 8.00pm on a Monday.”

“Having a coach I’ve got way more traction and better results.  It’s also made me accountable – I can’t hide and I can’t cheat but frankly it’s not worth it.”

“And the best thing, if something’s not working for me Lisa looks at doing something that will and that suits me. I get an immediate response, so my motivation doesn’t dip.  You’re not going to get that from Weight Watchers, it isn’t that convenient, whereas this is.  Really it’s about making things work for people’s lives and if you do that then they’ll actually get results and take action”.


And here's the thing - she didn't set foot in a gym once, nor give up her favourite cheese and biccies, or red wine. She ate "normal" food - in fact she had to eat more. She never felt deprived and told me that it took some self management but was easy....


Thank you for being so brilliant!